For some people, even a relatively minor offense can have very real and serious consequences that require the attention of a skilled criminal defense lawyer with the ability to find the most favorable result possible. Not long ago, a woman who was actively seeking permanent legal status in the United States was pulled over on her way to work and charged with not having a valid license. Since her current status prevented her from obtaining a driver’s license, the woman was not only facing the possibility of 60 days in jail or six months of probation, but also likely deportation if a conviction was added to her record.
With considerable experience handling criminal traffic cases throughout Florida, Sarasota criminal defense lawyer Erika Valcarcel took the woman’s case and began working to protect her client’s freedom and her ability to stay in the country. This led to extensive negotiation with the prosecution, where she successfully achieved her admission into Pre-Trial Intervention. Since this option removes the need to enter a plea or have a conviction added to her record, once it is completed there would be nothing to trigger an immigration issue. After she completes the program and pays a small fine, the woman could move on with her life and pursue her official citizenship without interference.
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