Some time ago, a client came to Erika Valcarcel, Criminal Defense Lawyer, P.A. after it was alleged that on several occasions she switched bar codes on higher-priced items for lower priced items; therefore, paying less than what was owed to the retailer. This led to a 3rd-degree felony charge and possibly a five-year prison sentence for a scheme to defraud. We aggressively negotiated for the best possible outcome and secured her admittance into a pre-trial intervention program.

By completing PTI and completing community service hours and a class, we were successful in getting a dismissal. While this was an impressive outcome on its own, we also handled the process of getting the entire incident expunged from her record since she did not want an arrest for a crime of dishonesty appearing on her record. We successfully applied for an expungement, and once granted her record became clear.

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